[PDF&VCE] 100% Pass 640-911 Exam By Training Lead2pass New VCE And PDF Dumps (121-140)

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Following questions and answers are all new published by Cisco Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/640-911.html

Which three addresses are valid forms of an IPv6 Address:
2001:0DB8:0000:FE01:0000:0000:0000:0000? (Choose three.)

A.    2001:0DB8:0000:FE01::
B.    2001:DB8:0:FE01::
C.    2001:0DB8::FE01::
D.    2001:DB8:0:FE01:0:0:0:0

Answer: ABD

How many bits are in an IPv4 address?

A.    32
B.    24
C.    8
D.    4

Answer: A

Which two addresses represent multicast addresses? (Choose two.)

C.    FF05::1
D.    2001::1

Answer: AC

At which layer in the OSI stack does the Hypertext Transfer Protocol operate?

A.    Layer 1
B.    Layer 2
C.    Layer 3
D.    Layer 4
E.    Layer 5
F.    Layer 6
G.    Layer 7

Answer: G

What is the order of the OSI stack starting at Layer 1 and ending at Layer 7?

A.    Application, Presentation, Session, Transport, Network, Data Link, Physical
B.    Application, Presentation, Transport, Data Link, Session, Physical, Network
C.    Physical, Network, Transport, Data Link, Session, Application, Presentation
D.    Physical, Data Link, Network, Transport, Session, Presentation, Application
E.    Presentation, Application, Data Link, Session, Network, Transport, Physical

Answer: D

What is the default bridge ID priority for Rapid PVST+?

A.    128
B.    32769
C.    32768
D.    4096

Answer: B

When connecting a switch port to a virtualization host requiring 802.1q VLAN tagging, which spanning-tree port type should be configured on the switch?

A.    normal
B.    edge
C.    edge trunk
D.    PortFast
E.    trunk

Answer: C

How many bits are used for a subnet ID in an IPv6 address?

A.    48
B.    16
C.    64
D.    128
E.    10

Answer: B

Given a subnet address of, how many IP addresses are usable for this subnet?

A.    1024
B.    2048
C.    1022
D.    2046
E.    256

Answer: C

In Cisco NX-OS Software, which command redistributes a route of into EIGRP?

A.    default-information originate
B.    default information originate
C.    default information-originate
D.    originate default-information
E.    originate-default information

Answer: A

On a Cisco router, which configuration register setting bypasses the contents of the NVRAM?

A.    0x102
B.    0x2102
C.    0x2120
D.    0x2124
E.    0x2142

Answer: E

Which device is a multiport bridge?

A.    Router
B.    Switch
C.    Gateway
D.    Concentrator

Answer: B

Which action will a router take if it does not know the destination MAC address of a host?

A.    Flood the packet out of every port.
B.    Drop the packet.
C.    Send an ARP request.
D.    Send a proxy ARP request.
E.    Send an ICMP unreachable message back to the source.

Answer: C

On which device would a VLAN be configured?

A.    Router
B.    Repeater
C.    Hub
D.    Switch
E.    Gateway

Answer: D

You are designing a network that provides FCoE, FabricPath, OTV, and Layer 3 functionalities.
Which device can perform these functionalities?

A.    Cisco Nexus 5500 Series Switches
B.    Cisco Nexus 7000 Series Switches
C.    Cisco Catalyst 6500 Series Switches
D.    Cisco ASR 1001 Router

Answer: B
An engineer replaces multiple hubs in the network with Layer 2 switches. What are two effects on the performance of the network? (Choose two.)

A.    reduced number of frame collisions
B.    multiple devices can transmit and receive frames simultaneously
C.    reduced broadcast packet propagation
D.    reduced complexity in monitoring traffic within the Layer 2 domain
E.    reduced number of packet collisions

Answer: AB

Refer to the exhibit. If switch SW2 was replaced with a router, which two effects would it have on the network? (Choose two.)

A.    reduce the number of collision domains
B.    increase the number of broadcast domains
C.    increase the number of collision domains
D.    reduce the number of broadcast domains
E.    no change in collision domains

Answer: BE

A network engineer has multiple network devices to choose from to connect 10 PCs to a network. Requirements include that packet collisions are minimized for each client and that the physical network topology must be highly scalable. Which two connectivity options should the engineer use? (Choose two.)

A.    Connect each of the 10 client PCs to a network switch.
B.    Use a star physical network topology.
C.    Connect each of the 10 client PCs to a network router.
D.    Connect each of the 10 client PCs to a network hub.
E.    Use a ring physical network topology.
F.    Use a mesh physical network topology.

Answer: AB

Which protocol operates at Layer 3 of OSI model and is used for host addressing?

A.    TCP
B.    UDP
C.    IP
D.    RIP
E.    OSPF

Answer: C

After a firewall is installed in the network, users have lost FTP access to the remote Cisco Nexus switches, but the TFTP access still works. Which protocol is blocked by the firewall?

A.    UDP
B.    TCP
C.    IP
D.    ICMP
E.    RIP

Answer: B

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