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Following questions and answers are all new published by Cisco Official Exam Center: http://www.lead2pass.com/300-208.html

Which two EAP types require server side certificates? (Choose two.)

B.    PEAP
C.    EAP-MD5
D.    LEAP
F.    MSCHAPv2

Answer: AB

Where is client traffic decrypted in a controller-based wireless network protected with WPA2 Security?

A.    Access Point
B.    Switch
C.    Wireless LAN Controller
D.    Authentication Server

Answer: A

Which setting provides the best security for a WLAN and authenticates users against a centralized directory store?

A.    WPA2 AES-CCMP and 801.X authentication
B.    WPA2 AES-CCMP and PSK authentication
C.    WPA2 TKIP and PSK authentication
D.    WPA2 TKIP and 802.1X authentication

Answer: A

What is a feature of Cisco WLC and IPS synchronization?

A.    Cisco WLC populates the ACLs to prevent repeat intruder attacks.
B.    The IPS automatically send shuns to Cisco WLC for an active host block.
C.    Cisco WLC and IPS synchronization enables faster wireless access.
D.    IPS synchronization uses network access points to provide reliable monitoring.

Answer: B

Which two components are required to connect to a WLAN network that is secured by EAP-TLS authentication? (Choose two.)

A.    Kerberos authentication server
B.    AAA/RADIUS server
C.    PSKs
D.    CA server

Answer: BD

Which statement about Cisco Management Frame Protection is true?

A.    It enables stations to remain in power-save mode, except at specified intervals to receive data
from the access point.
B.    It detects spoofed MAC addresses.
C.    It identifies potential RF jamming attacks.
D.    It protects against frame and device spoofing.

Answer: D

Which three statements about the Cisco wireless IPS solution are true? (Choose three.)

A.    It enables stations to remain in power-save mode, except at specified intervals to receive data from
the access point.
B.    It detects spoofed MAC addresses.
C.    It identifies potential RF jamming attacks.
D.    It protects against frame and device spoofing.
E.    It allows the WLC to failover because of congestion.

Answer: BCD

In a basic ACS deployment consisting of two servers, for which three tasks is the primary server responsible? (Choose three.)

A.    configuration
B.    authentication
C.    sensing
D.    policy requirements
E.    monitoring
F.    repudiation

Answer: ABD

In a split ACS deployment with primary and secondary servers, which three statements about AAA load handling are true? (Choose three.)

A.    During normal operations, each server processes the full workload of both servers.
B.    If a AAA connectivity problem occurs, the servers split the full load of authentication requests.
C.    If a AAA connectivity problem occurs, each server processes the full workload of both servers.
D.    During normal operations, the servers split the full load of authentication requests.
E.    During normal operations, each server is used for specific operations, such as device administration
and network admission.
F.    The primary servers are used to distribute policy information to other servers in the enterprise.

Answer: CDE

Which three personas can a Cisco ISE assume in a deployment? (Choose three.)

A.    connection
B.    authentication
C.    administration
D.    testing
E.    policy service
F.    monitoring

Answer: CEF

Which three components comprise the Cisco ISE profiler? (Choose three.)

A.    the sensor, which contains one or more probes
B.    the probe manager
C.    a monitoring tool that connects to the Cisco ISE
D.    the trigger, which activates ACLs
E.    an analyzer, which uses configured policies to evaluate endpoints
F.    a remitter tool, which fails over to redundant profilers

Answer: ABE

Which three statements about the Cisco ISE profiler are true? (Choose three.)

A.    It sends endpoint data to AAA servers.
B.    It collects endpoint attributes.
C.    It stores MAC addresses for endpoint systems.
D.    It monitors and polices router and firewall traffic.
E.    It matches endpoints to their profiles.
F.    It stores endpoints in the Cisco ISE database with their profiles.

Answer: BEF

From which location can you run reports on endpoint profiling?

A.    Reports > Operations > Catalog > Endpoint
B.    Operations > Reports > Catalog > Endpoint
C.    Operations > Catalog > Reports > Endpoint
D.    Operations > Catalog > Endpoint

Answer: B

Which two services are included in the Cisco ISE posture service? (Choose two.)

A.    posture administration
B.    posture run-time
C.    posture monitoring
D.    posture policing
E.    posture catalog

Answer: AB

What is a requirement for posture administration services in Cisco ISE?

A.    at least one Cisco router to store Cisco ISE profiling policies
B.    Cisco NAC Agents that communicate with the Cisco ISE server
C.    an ACL that points traffic to the Cisco ISE deployment
D.    the advanced license package must be installed

Answer: D

Which two statements about Cisco NAC Agents that are installed on clients that interact with the Cisco ISE profiler are true? (Choose two.)

A.    They send endpoint data to AAA servers.
B.    They collect endpoint attributes.
C.    They interact with the posture service to enforce endpoint security policies.
D.    They block access from the network through noncompliant endpoints.
E.    They store endpoints in the Cisco ISE with their profiles.
F.    They evaluate clients against posture policies, to enforce requirements.

Answer: CF

What steps must you perform to deploy a CA-signed identify certificate on an ISE device?

A.    1. Download the CA server certificate.
2. Generate a signing request and save it as a file.
3. Access the CA server and submit the ISE request.
4. Install the issued certificate on the ISE.
B.    1. Download the CA server certificate.
2. Generate a signing request and save it as a file.
3. Access the CA server and submit the ISE request.
4. Install the issued certificate on the CA server.
C.    1. Generate a signing request and save it as a file.
2. Download the CA server certificate.
3. Access the ISE server and submit the CA request.
4.Install the issued certificate on the CA server.
D.    1. Generate a signing request and save it as a file.
2. Download the CA server certificate.
3. Access the CA server and submit the ISE request.
4. Install the issued certificate on the ISE.

Answer: D

What implementation must be added to the WLC to enable 802.1X and CoA for wireless endpoints?

A.    the ISE
B.    an ACL
C.    a router
D.    a policy server

Answer: A

What are the initial steps must you perform to add the ISE to the WLC?

A.    1. With a Web browser, establish an HTTP connection to the WLC pod.
2, Navigate to Administration > Authentication > New.
3. Enter server values to begin the configuration.
B.    1. With a Web browser, establish an FTP connection to the WLC pod.
2. Navigate to Security > Administration > New.
3. Add additional security features for FTP authentication.
C.    1. With a Web browser, establish an HTTP connection to the WLC pod.
2. Navigate to Authentication > New.
3. Enter ACLs and Authentication methods to begin the configuration.
D.    1. With a Web browser connect, establish an HTTPS connection to the WLC pod.
2. Navigate to Security > Authentication > New.
3. Enter server values to begin the configuration.

Answer: D

Which command configures console port authorization under line con 0?

A.    authorization default|WORD
B.    authorization exec line con 0|WORD
C.    authorization line con 0|WORD
D.    authorization exec default|WORD

Answer: D

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